Thursday 21 April 2016

Nasi Lemak with Love (with recipe)


Resepi sambal ikan bilis saya refer blog Kak Azie - Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis Sebagai Lauk Nasi Lemak (Memang sedap! Terima kasih kak)

Bahan-bahan masak nasi lemak rice cooker:

3 cawan beras
3 cawan santan segar 
1 cawan air
2 ikat daun pandan
Beberapa hiris halia
Garam secukup rasa 

Basuh beras. Tambahkan semua bahan dalam beras dan masak seperti biasa. 

Timun? Saya suka timun jepun sebab tak pahit.

Untuk kepekatan santan hubby suka pekat so lepasni semua pakai santan je tak perlu tambah air. Kalau tak suka santan banyak, boleh kurangkan, ikut taste masing-masing.

Cerita nasi lemak:
Well, I've promised to cook nasi lemak for hubby, janjinya masa tu nak buat esok pagi tapi terbabas bangun lewat so memang tak sempat nak masak. Sedih la jugak bila dia tanya nasi lemak pagi tu... Terasa loser, dah janji tapi tak masak..

Malam tu memang tidur ayam je, takut tak bangun awal. Esoknya berjaya bangun awal (yes!) dan lagi best, hubby pun tolong sekali buat sambal ikan bilis.

We did it! Rasa pun sedap, so yeah.. Nailed it! First time tau masak nasi lemak untuk si dia... ;)

Bekal untuk ofis for Mr Hubby -Nasi lemak with love~

p/s: Ada satu feeling yang best bila orang enjoy makan apa yang kita masak lebih-lebih lagi orang yang kita sayang. J


Wondermama (Avenue K/Bangsar Village)


Spicy Chicken Salad. Pic courtesy of Paula. Thanks dear!
I've been to Wondermama several times and started to fall in love.. with their awesome Spicy Chicken Salad. Thanks to Paula for made me try this. Serious kenyang, jangan risau even it's just a salad. Rasa dia pedas pedas masam dengan sos sesame, bertambah sedap dengan ayam goreng panas dan sayuran yang segar! 

Their bandung drink is awesome - because it's so refreshing and less sweet, although the intensity of the pink colour is quite strong.

Not to forget the curry laksa - sedap woih. Sedap sama macam curry laksa Sisters, G Tower.

Curry Laksa
The rest of the dishes are not disappointing I must say. Their service (Avenue K branch) is pretty fast, and I still remember this waiter - a Chinese lady who just didn't stop smiling to the customers although it's peak hours and she need to deal with hungry customers queuing (looong que) outside the restaurant. Yes, hungry people can be scary, and I'm one of them...

The waiting time for food is tolerable (they take your order while in que and the food will be served when you get the seat.)

Rojak ada taugeh~ nothing so special about the sauce, it's just like normal petis (prawn paste) sauce

I've managed to taste a dessert in Bangsar Village branch, the Nangka Sticky Rice with Ice Cream. I'm loving it! No pictures cause I'm so indulged~ ok la, here's from the web, it's exactly like this:

Nangka Sticky rice with Ice Cream

Overall I'm happy with their food, would love to bring my family to dine here some time.

Thanks for the good food!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Baby Shower for Wani - Decorations


(This has been long - pada masa entry ini dipublish, wani telah pun selamat melahirkan baby boy. Yayy! Welcome to this world cutie pie~)

Its my first time organizing baby shower. Excited! I'm getting creative~ *perasan

Venue: Wondermama@Bangsar Village

Theme: Baby Blue (not so baby blue?)

Always wanted to to this

Aren't they cute?
Cutting small parts of the wrapper to make wish card
Diapers Cake
Nickname Cards - by Farhana. Guess which one is mine? :P

Cake from CakeSense
Doorgifts prepared by Kak Baiti

Tadaaa~ Decorations in place. *poor lighting*

Thank you so much to Erin from How To Nest For Less for all the cute printables! Awesome design, and it did help us to save same cost ;)

Friday 1 April 2016

Kyra's Rainbow Birthday at Greenhouse by Muir (+ delicious rainbow cake from CakeSense!)


I'm on sick leave today, after medication I feel lot better. The weather is super hot, make sure minum banyak air! Stay hydrated. Looking through my pictures, I came across Kyra's birthday photos. It's one of the sweet memory with #plisisters and I think I want to put it in my blog. 

Masa ni I've actually a bit busy so most of the deco was done by Farhana (good job!). My part was giving ideas - I've suggested 'Rainbow' as the theme. :)

Greenhouse by Muir review - nice ambience, mediocre food, a bit expensive but the portion is huge. Satu pinggan pasta boleh kongsi 2 orang. Excellent service from the crew - sporting sangat. They help us and be a part of the surprise crew for Kyra - bagi hint bila Kyra sampai + record video from her arrival until the surprise part. Thank you so much!

Lamb pasta. Beef pasta lagi sedap..
I think it's a nice place for a special date, proposal and celebrations.

Purposely enlarged this because it's so cute

Doorgift - home made chocolate cake by Juju
The best rainbow cake ever!
I'm not a rainbow cake fan but seriously, this cake from CakeSense taste so good! Unlike normal cake where the layers seems like it was painted by bad artifical watercolour, the colour looks so natural, fluffy cake and less sweet. I just love it!

Picture session with the VIP

Geng sampai awal~
Birthday girl nak potong kek
Happy Birthday Kyra! 
Perasan tak the colour arrangement? Saja susun macam tu to get the rainbow effect. :p

Kesian Kyra, she just came back from Melaka tiba tiba kena teman member jumpa kawan (surprise plan). We actually hide untuk terkejutkan dia but she knew there's something fishy sebab abang waiter dah standby kat entrance dengan fon untuk record. Hahaha.

Until then.