Saturday 25 February 2012

Energy Booster.


The results are out. This post were a bit late I guess. All I can say is : Alhamdulillah syukur.. :) This is certainly out of my expectation, yes considering all those hassles during the whole semester, need to deal with my emotions and a lot of things but Alhamdulillah still managed to pull through. Dapat je email (aih, tulis bahasa melayu pulak?) tengok result, menjerit (Alhamdulillah!!) dan cepat-cepat pergi kejut dear mommy. Muka blur kena kejut but still managed to smile and said congratulations :) ..and then went back to sleep. Aiya. Not forgetting to text ayah the next day, and I was surprised when he replied saying "I'm proud of y".. 

Thinking of this message make me feel like want to cry.. It means a lot to me. This is the first time ayah saying this to me, although I got good results for pmr, spm or other things he didn't mention anything like this so I was quite sad thinking that its not, never enough.. stupid thing I did? Terdelete mesej ni! Oh youu how stupid you how come terdelete?! takkan nak suruh ayah resend balik....? can't forgive myself for this.......*sobbing (T______T)  

To mak and ayah, this is for you :')

Yes this is for my parent. I can't think of anything else melainkan my parent. I'm happy enough when they are happy with this small gift.. Wait till I give you big ones! My graduation day, InsyaAllah.. They are my energy booster. My chocolate bar. :)

Got three more semester to go.. Sekejap je lagi. Sabar sabar.. dah nak habis ni. I must keep on track, must grad with good grades because it is a GIFT (and someone also promise me roses for graduation, hehehehhhh) and also to get exemption from ptptn payment, turning the loan into a scholarship. Hope it's still valid because paying ptptn after graduation is so not cool.

Sentiasa berdoa yang terbaik..
Jangan cepat putus asa.

Who cares they call you nerd, weirdo, or whatever they want to, whatever they did to you
it makes you stronger!
you know yourself better, keep moving 
you are the one who get to feel the satisfaction. 
In the end it's you.


Monday 20 February 2012

Novel by RAM : Fiksyen 302

"Jangan Percaya!"

Tagline untuk novel terbaru dari RAM (baru or aku yang lambat beli?) Lepas habis baca baru aku faham kenapa tagline novel ni "Jangan percaya." Secara ringkasnya, jangan percaya kalau suara hati suruh buat jahat. 

Fiksyen 302 ialah novel last daripada Ramlee Awang Murshid untuk tahun 2011. Novel ni aku habis baca dalam masa 1 hari, sanggup tidur lambat nak habiskan jugaa tak kira! Gaya penceritaan, jalan cerita thriller from RAM selalu buat aku nak habis baca cepat-cepat. Jalan cerita Fiksyen 302 memang best and buat aku sakit kepala jugakla. (novel RAM ada ke yang tak buat sakit kepala?) Dalam novel ni aku banyak berfikir.  Dan seperti yang dijangkakan, setiap orang yang aku target real killer dalam each novel lastly mesti orang lain. (=_='') Ada split personality, 'keterbalikan masa', sakit mental, etc. 
Expect the unexpected - true quotes when you read most of RAM's novel. 

"Faktor 'memikirkan sesuatu' merupakan latihan minda yang sangat baik..... Asas transformasi minda menyatakan masalah adalah latihan minda yang sangat berkesan. Bermakna semakin kita menjuruskan minda kita kepada aspek pemikiran, maka semakin banyak neuron otak terhasil. Ia sangat baik untuk proses kecerdasan serta kecerdikan minda kita... percayalah." (RAM)

Zonan pendekar laut-ihsan Google.
Rajinnya aku google pasal Zonan.

Oh tak lupa jugak, nanti ada SUNAN MUSAFIR- last sequel untuk story  Laksamana Sunan /Saifudin. Wuwwuwuuu lepasni takde la cerita pasal Sunan ni dah. 

"Episod kali ini adalah 'selamat tinggal' pada sebuah cerita yang terlalu panjang" (RAM)

Memang panjang pun. Tapi tak kisah. Sebab best  :D Can't wait.......!!


Friday 17 February 2012

Maria Elena Zarul.


This night I can't sleep (I sleep really late this week) so don't know what to do, suddenly thinking of Maria Elena and want to watch her video. This one is funny :

5 minutes video of her random behavior that makes me laugh! I love the part 1:07 - 1:42 >

 "Ohh and todayyy I just got back from having teaa with the queen and she's suchh a lovely ladyy suchh a lovely lady
"So I went to Rome the other day and I've seen so many people and they like to have pizzaa they call me Bella and I was like "Whatt? Bella? No no I no Bella Swann no I don't watch Twilight I watch Harry Potter" (i laugh a lot at this part, seriously :D) 
"Wingardium Leviosa" (funny expression she has!)

For those who don't know about her, she is a blogger vlogger and feel free to visit her blog HERE get to know her and you'll find she's awesome! I love the fact that she's comfortable with being herself in which I think most girls or women don't feel so (including me) and she kinda give me the courage to be myself, as long as it is not against what is being prohibited in Islam. You'll notice that she had change a lot from her past days and how, in her post she encouraged women to wear hijab and loose clothes. I don't say she is 100% perfect (without telling this people know thaat) but take the positive thing, let the negativity out of the way. :)

Have a laugh!

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke. Everybody laughs like crazy. 
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again. This time less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said: 
"You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?"


Thursday 16 February 2012

Month characteristics.

Which month you were born? These are some personality characteristics based on month. Probably some might not be true, because individual characteristics were also being influenced by other factors, example the way we are being raised. But still I think it's just fun to know this. :)

1. January - Bold and alert. 
Bold? You are fearless and daring, courageous, brave, speak your mind, don't really care what other people think about you. For girls, you are not scared to walk in front of guys! 

2. February - Lucky and loyal

Winter in Korea during December until late February.

3. March - Naughty and genius

4. April - Caring and strong

5. May - Loving and practical

Hanami (Cherry Blossoms festivals) held in Japan between March to May,
depending on region. 

6. June - Romantic and curious

7. July - Adventurous and honest

8. August - Active and hardworking

9. September - Sensitive and pretty

10. October - Stylish and friendly

11. November - Nice and creative

November morning in Germany during fall.

12. Disember - Confidential and freedom loving.

Btw, i'm November. :)

Credit to Google for the info and images.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Amnah's wedding. (11th Feb 2012)

*excited mood

(edited by me)

I'm so happy for my dear friend Amnah Mohamad and her husband, Mohd Zhafrie Johari. May Allah s.w.t bless their marriage forever.! I'm just so excited..(orang lain yang kahwin but I'm the one who gets so excited, lol) I want to say sorry for arriving late.. Bayangkan, the wedding ends at 5pm tapi saya sampai pukul 4.10 petang.. Takpelah janji sampai and I got to meet the beautiful bride! but without present.....pergi majlis orang ni tak complete kalau takde hadiahhh, so I owe u, am! Naik sem I bagi, simpan duluu. Thanks for the chocolate cake, sedap sangat! Memang kenyang la makan.. :D

Am looks so different and preeetyy~~ 

Wish you a beautiful marriage, dear :)
Wish the best to both of you! Selamat pengantin baru.

p/s: Curi gambar dari facebook am, sorry! Heheh


Thursday 9 February 2012

Chocolate Strawberries.


Two days ago I decided to made chocolate strawberries as a gift to someone's birthday, after taking a long time to think of the gifts! Strawberries are easy to find and the most important is it suits my budget. Getting the idea of making chocolate strawberries make me excited somehow~
 Monkey Icons

Besides chocolate strawberries, I also added some cupcakes and candles (for me, tak lengkap birthday celebration kalau tak ada cake and candles :p ) So here is the cute cupcakes I bought from the cupcake stall :

RM3.00/piece but managed to get 5 pieces for RM 10 :D

First thing first, rinse the srawberries and leave it dry. 

Korean strawberries bought from Jusco. Sweet! 

For the homemade chocolate I'm using Van Houten cocoa, and toblerone white chocolate. I think next time cadbury chocolate would be better. :(  To quickly and easily melt chocolate without burning it, I use double boiler method.

Dip and dip~

Putting candles

Ikat cantik-cantik.

Final result :
