Friday 17 February 2012

Maria Elena Zarul.


This night I can't sleep (I sleep really late this week) so don't know what to do, suddenly thinking of Maria Elena and want to watch her video. This one is funny :

5 minutes video of her random behavior that makes me laugh! I love the part 1:07 - 1:42 >

 "Ohh and todayyy I just got back from having teaa with the queen and she's suchh a lovely ladyy suchh a lovely lady
"So I went to Rome the other day and I've seen so many people and they like to have pizzaa they call me Bella and I was like "Whatt? Bella? No no I no Bella Swann no I don't watch Twilight I watch Harry Potter" (i laugh a lot at this part, seriously :D) 
"Wingardium Leviosa" (funny expression she has!)

For those who don't know about her, she is a blogger vlogger and feel free to visit her blog HERE get to know her and you'll find she's awesome! I love the fact that she's comfortable with being herself in which I think most girls or women don't feel so (including me) and she kinda give me the courage to be myself, as long as it is not against what is being prohibited in Islam. You'll notice that she had change a lot from her past days and how, in her post she encouraged women to wear hijab and loose clothes. I don't say she is 100% perfect (without telling this people know thaat) but take the positive thing, let the negativity out of the way. :)

Have a laugh!

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke. Everybody laughs like crazy. 
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again. This time less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said: 
"You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?"



  1. salam dear! thank you so much for this write up about me! and honestly, i tak sangka random video tu orang boleh suka.. hehe! thanks again! and yeah, im not 100% good. still a lot to improve. =) i hope you can take the good, and the bad, should you see any from me, please do let me know. kita manusia ni pun ada blindspot. =D thanks love and have a good day!

  2. kak maria! so glad to see you here! my pleasure, thanks for dropping by.. keep spreadin' the love! :D

  3. wah... puan maria singgah sini..:)
